Author of Sasser has new job
The creator of the destructive NetSky and Sasser worms, Sven Jaschan, has been hired by German security company Securepoint. Jaschan was charged this month with computer sabotage.
Lutz Hausmann, technical director at Securepoint, learned of Jaschan's desire to work in the security industry from an interview in Stern. "He has some know-how but not a high level of skills in software development. He was the best from people who wanted a job," Hausmann said.
"I'm sure most people have serious doubts about a security company hiring a virus writer. No doubt Securepoint will have to explain their decision over and over again," said Mikko Hyppönen, director of anti-virus research at Finnish AV firm F-Secure. But he also thinks we really should try to rehabilitate criminals to enter normal working life again and to become a productive part of the society.
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posted by madhatter @ 11:25 PM
Haven't heard about that. But funny, that an organization like them hires crackers like Jaschan. ;)
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