Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Rexx: IBMs old scripting language

Here's a quick quiz. Which scripting language ...

1. Runs on virtually all platforms and operating systems?
2. Enjoys a strong standard to which all implementations adhere?
3. Comes in object-oriented versions that are upwardly compatible with the standard procedural language?
4. Is known for combining ease of use with power?

The answer is Rexx. IBM's 25 years old scripting language. I just came across this article at O'Reilly's ONLamp. It gives a good overview about the functionality of Rexx. And author Howard Fosdick is right: you can read Rexx scripts without ever read or heard something about Rexx or it's coding conventions.

There are some things you should now about Rexx and that is what I already got from the article. So I think I will get a bit more documentation in the next free time I can afford and script for fun. Just because I already like it. And I just got me Regina Rexx and installed it on Mac OS X.

(This happens when I surf at ONLamp. I just wanted to read something else there. Maybe I will write about that later then ;))

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posted by madhatter @ 9:37 PM


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