"CheTrooper" SW Shirt
What has Che Guevara to do with Star Wars' Stormtroopers? I don't know. But there is a t-shirt available which looks very nice. Can't buy it though, cause I don't get the joke.
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posted by madhatter @ 9:13 AM
its a comment on the commodification of the image of che guevara.
basically through the sale of the image of the revolutionary, the revolutionary act of transgression becomes for many the act of purchase. the irony is that this is exactly what che would not have wanted. in the same way in which the storm trooper is the faceless servant of "the Empire", the representation of Che Guevara loses connection with its original meaning and becomes a mark of belonging as well as a mark of capital.
thats actually not the "joke" or whatever you want to call it. the shirt implies the connection of the communist revelutionary Che Guerra and The Empire from George Lucas' Star Wars. It is an attempt to challenge the commercialized "viva la revolucion" products which popularize probably without knowing, communism.
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