Flock Developer Release - Pre-Release released (2)
Yay! I just got the invitation to download the new pre-release (0.5) of Flock.

Right now there is nothing to complain about. But I only had the chance to play around with it an hour. Now I am importing my del.icio.us bookmarks into Flock, but that seems to take a few hours.... Hm, maybe none of the developers had that much bookmarked at del.icio.us yet...
Okay, there is something to complain about then.
But enough for now. I will test the browser in the next days. I am already a bit curious if it really is what I am expecting since I heard about Flock for the first time.
Update: It seems, that Flock is not what I expected. As far as I can tell, you can only import all your bookmarks from del.icio.us into it and 'star' new URLs that can get send to your del.icio.us account, too, but I don't see any possibility to use them in the browser.
Is there any chance to search for tags, to get something out of all the imported links? I don't need a 20 page long history of everything I've send to del.icio.us in the last whole year to search for something manually. That is not what I expected.
I will stick with my own search-keywords in Firefox then: I only have to type 'dtag firefox' and will end up on my firefox tags.
I then tried to extend Flock with the greasemonkey plugin, but I had the same problems as in DeerPark: I get the plugin running but when I import any userscripts, those won't work at all. Maybe I just use the wrong userscripts then, but it's kinda frustrating.
The other features, like blogging within Flock or using Flickr haven't been tested, because Flock always crashed, when I tried to do so.
So for me the testing phase is over so far. I will stick with my good old Firefox until one of the newer browsers gets useable for me. I don't want to take a step back again. When I change the browser, I want to have all the features and possibilities I have now and maybe more.
But, don't get me wrong, I now that this is a pre-release and that it can't be stable. I am just saying, that I need a lot more comfort before I can use the browser on a daily basis. I still think that the integration of del.icio.us is a great idea, because I tried to use that in Firefox already, but that it lacks the one big thing, that makes the whole idea a useful one.
Update 2: Oh my God! I just found out, that you are able to search your bookmarks by tags. You have to enter those tags into the search filed. It makes no difference if you chose to search Google, Yahoo or Technorati. When you enter a tag you used on del.icio.us, you get a list with all those links that have that word in there title. So, that is not exactly what I have been looking for yet.
Technorati Tags: browser, del.icio.us, extension, flock, greasemonkey, mac